Have been finding for this LONG LONG TIME AGO!
WOW finally i have it HAHA! I am a big fans of 咬字不清的jay!!
But in this album he still pronounce every word clearly..
My lovely gf found it at Cd-Rama....love it!! tks tks!! XD
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Just wanna share this, this are the mascots of the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. Their name is FUWA. They are cute and have a very friendly names. Their names are Bèibei (贝贝),Jīngjing (晶晶), Huānhuan (欢欢), Yíngying (迎迎) and Nīni (妮妮). when read their name, it will read like this --> 贝晶欢迎妮 and actually is 北京欢迎你! haha... great design!! so adorable..
Friday, August 15, 2008
i was watching this opening ceremony of Beijing 2008 Olympic games on 08/08/08....it is an outstanding show two thumps up...it is directed by one of the well-known director in china... zhang yimou...i like the people while dancing and painting that part...it is like WOW...great job...!!! They present the opening ceremony in term of peace and harmony... and they present it really well...with bird nest and dove flying on the stage... even i am not staying china, but i am very proud of being chinese... this ceremony make whole Chinese communities in the world proud!!
The video show that Lee Ning who lighting up the Beijing 2008 Olympic flame cauldron... Before he 'flying' on the sky he really do a lot of practices... he is really great...the spirit he got is really amazing...How bout a round of applause to him! *Clap clap...* =.=
Above are slide show from the opening ceremony of Beijing 2008 Olympic. Enjoy!!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Bad Sector
Have a look on the pic..u will see so many red colour...those are the bad sectorsss...recently my old 200GB IDE hard disk die after nearly 4 year half i am using it...now i am using two 120GB HD that my bro give me...he is my HD provider nowadays cuz he is a computer technician last year...so he got a lot of "kang tao" XD...i was planing to buy a 500GB HD but i din manage to get it on the pc fair cuz....no $$$... nvm as i learn something last year i can recover those bad sectors myself...as long as there are HD for me to use, it is ok if it is old or have a lot of bad sectors... it is important to have more HD in my system cuz i am a com freak...everyday staring on monitor and surfing for latest songs, movies, software, drama.... without them where i gonna store those TVB drama??? where am i gonna store 24??? at last, i wanna thanks my bro for sponsor me another HD!! haha tks!
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